07 January, 2012

XXIX: This Week: Reconvene Natural Dyeing

After a season of dyeing almost every yarn with natural dyes, to a season with bespoke tussah, pre-dyed bamboo ribbon yarns and the debut of limited woven garments (current collection HANDMADE VI, with MANMADE I) -I have finally decided to reconvene my exploration of naturally dyeing yarn. This will be a project that may or may not succeed in being a part of a future collection. At this point, its all fun and games (and a terribly unruly kitchen)

I've also introduced a new, potentially limiting obstacle: the natural substances I'll be dyeing with this week will be ones grown in my very own backyard. 100% organically grown plants, vegetables, roots, herbs and blossoms.

To begin with, I'm going to continue dyeing with garden beetroot and camellia blossoms, using organic black salt as a natural mordent. Here's a little peek at some test-dyeing that was done a couple of months ago:

Apologies for the poor quality of the images. However I find no shame in admitting that they were hurriedly taken by an iPhone. 

Stay tuned 
